Thursday, 19 March 2020

#CoronaVirus Vs Thanos' Snap!

While we were young, we loved our superheroes. We love them even after we have grown up they give us hope and positivity. But as we grow older we understand the villains. The ideology of Thanos has been well known to all Marvel Fans. Wiping away half the population to bring balance to the universe. I understand this ideology and at some point feel, maybe Thanos had a point.

I do not know about the Universe but, how do you see the effect of Corona Virus (COVID-19) on the world. Corona Virus has spread across the world effecting the population – without any bias. People of all colors and races despite their nationality or age are being affected. Just the way Thanos decimated people randomly, without any bias or race or gender.

But now, the effect of the Corona Virus has forced people into their houses – into isolation. The effect of that is wonderful. World leaders are all now focussed on the safety of people.  Everyone is now making efforts to keep people safe. Helping each other wash out this Pandemic that the year 2020 is witnessing.

People are staying with their families, spending time with their children. People are now focussed on their hygiene and food choices. Everyone is eating home-cooked meals, washing their hands and being careful.

Social greetings are changing. People prefer to wave and say Namaste instead of hugging/kissing and shaking hands.

Most of all now people are staying home and avoiding going out.

The effect on earth? It is definitely what Thanos wanted. The rivers are cleaner, the pollution levels have reduced. The streets are empty and clean. Nature is thriving and cleaning itself. Mother earth is enjoying the spread of the Corona Virus.

Why did Thanos decide to decimate fifty percent of the population in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? To achieve this effect! COVID-19 is currently having this effect on the real world. Why do we need to wait for such a pandemic to come into play to get a better world for a living? Can’t we stay this way always? Safe, hygienic, non-polluting, careful about ourselves as well as our planet?

Now it feels I may have hurt feelings, but yet here I am thanking Thanos in the MCU and Corona in the real Universe! For helping us reverse at least some damage that we have been causing to our planet.

Thursday, 10 August 2017


It is a scary word 'PANIC' and is a situation that we all confront in our lifetime. Some may be lucky to face that situation just once but some may end up panicking every day.
It is very simple to say 'Don't Panic' but the one who is facing the situation cannot follow the said advice at any cost.

Life is full of unknown situations that arise day in and day out, and many times turn on the panic mode in a person with a perfectly cool temperament.
Holding your two-year-old in your arms while she is having convulsions - which mother will be able to follow the advice 'Don't Panic'?

At the hospital, the staff take her away as an emergency case and you do not know where the child is being treated and yet the other staff says 'Don't Panic'.
You find your child in ICU being pricked with needles and the medical staff say 'Don't Panic'.
Your child regains consciousness but doesn't want to lie down in bed and allow the treatment, and yet one is expected to 'NOT PANIC'.

The child wants to be in your arms continuously and you end up losing your wallet full of money and your husband says 'Don't Panic'.
What a wonderful term 'Don't Panic' whereas what one can do at such times is 'ONLY PANIC'.
But then time has its own ways to resolve all situations and then everyone is standing there saying 'I told you - Don't Panic'.

Each one knows things will change and everything will be alright - but how does one not panic in various situations that we encounter and are out of our control at a specific time?

The key is to have patience, which is a very rare and expensive virtue in any human. Can everyone be patient all the time? May not be, but all that we can do is try to be patient.
No amount of panicking is going to resolve issues, but neither is patience going to do the same. Yet, being patient is the only option - such that we do not enter any emotional turmoil and take incorrect steps.

Patience to many may seem like an alien attack at the particular time, just the way I always feel when I see things are out of my control. But, Nothing - NOTHING is any way in my control!
All I can do is 'BE PATIENT' and 'DON'T PANIC'.

Friday, 11 November 2016

An Invitation To Pray - differently.

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Prayer, as I have learnt is not just whining with closed eyes to the God who sits up there and watches with detachment.

Prayer is something very personal, and it is so personal that the so-called ‘GOD IN HEAVEN’ who is common to all may not answer.

Prayer is a personal positive conversation which when stated with a feeling of accomplishment, in a tone of decreeing to the God that resides in one’s heart (one’s personal heaven), in one’s soul, and is the subconscious mind of the human who is praying. That is the true form of prayer.

The content of prayer as usually designed by society consists of crying, weeping, supplication and condemning oneself and asking forgiveness. Again, that is not what the inner God wants to listen and answer.

The true God, who resides within listens only to praise, thanks and decree of a thing that is wanted – stated in a present continuous tense that is said with gratitude and completion and prayers that are said in this way are always answered.

As Neville Goddard in his book ‘The Feeling is the Secret’ explains – feel the feeling that you would have once the prayer is answered and maintain that feeling and sleep over it – it is then that your prayer is definitely answered.

While praying, state it in the positive. A sample prayer:

Dear God/ Universe/Higher-Self/Source, I give myself to you and request you to answer to my situation. I accept that you are much more powerful than my physical self or my conscious mind. I am grateful that you have given me the power of choice and I choose to have xxxxxxx. I am grateful that you have your own ways and means that I am unaware of for manifesting my desire. I acknowledge your power and rest with the assurance that It is done. I thank you with all my heart and am glad that I have received this blessing or what is best for me by God in divine order in divine time. I decree that it is done, and I receive it now with gratitude. Amen!

It is this that you say with the feeling such that it is already answered and yes, It is done in divine time and in divine order. Understand the value of gratitude and faith in the ways of the Universe through which all your prayers are answered and rest assured that everything is taken care of by the higher-power and it comes to pass in divine order.

This is the form of prayer that has been instituted and accepted by that great source of everything, other forms of prayers that are learnt and repeated word for word are only to keep you in a state of mind of peace. I also would like to add, without offending any religious rituals that whining about your pain and troubles with vague repetitions will only perpetuate your problems because you say those with the feelings of pain and only experience the negative that is already there. Each one knows ‘As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.’

Praying with a negative feeling or pain will only make you be in that state for longer. Pray positively with a joyful heart and with a feeling of fulfilment, maintain that feeling of joy and receive your desires with gratitude. That is the crux of prayer.

Come Pray with me and change your world!

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Does this qualify as a 'Love Letter?'

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Do you know what petrichor is? It is the pleasant smell of the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather. Do you know that the smell of petrichor has the ability to reduce 50% of one’s stress?

©       You are the petrichor of my life.
When you hear some beautiful music, every cell, every nerve in the body starts vibrating – it lifts your spirits, it makes you want to dance to the tune.
©       That is what happens to me when I hear your voice.
Ancient Chinese believe that a constant inner smile to self-made you healthy, happy and gave you a long life. This is because as soon as you smile your body releases endorphins that relieve stress.
©       One smile from you makes me smile for days together.
A couple is like a pair eyes, just as each of our eyes has a small blind spot in the back of the retina where the optic nerve attaches, each one of us has some blind (dark) spots in our lives. We don’t notice the hole in our vision because our eyes work together to fill in each other’s blind spots. And that is what partners do.
©       You are the other eye for me.

Does this qualify as a love letter to you?

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

A Place of Perfect Peace!

The ideal state to live in for me is to read all day long, have enough abundance to buy all kinds of books that I wish to read and develop myself.
In my life, all I want is to read and teach these beautiful laws of life to all the young children, who are being prepared by their parents to live in lack. I wish to perpetuate the feeling of abundance and teach the children laws of being in the natural state, that I am entering now. Writing books on this subject is another aspect I think of. But making practical moves to teach the untrained minds, will be worth, and I will call myself successful in that. 
It is my aim to be in the most comfortable situation in life, where I do not have to fuss or worry about money in any way, as I know the abundant universe provides all the time, even before the need arises. 
I prefer a life of comfort and things that are just perfect, I do not need to amass huge sums of money, all I want to have is the financial freedom that keeps me from wanting to need more and more. Sufficient amount of money, to buy books and supply to the needs of the family, without needing to be in debt.
Money is just the numbers being reflected on the screen as I log on to the internet banking portal. I need not think about that number, I'd rather do the things I love, like reading, teaching, writing, travelling, and even sleeping.
A Place Of Perfect Peace!

Finding my way of perfect peace is the life I want to lead. The way of perfect peace would be sharing the Universal magical laws that are actually just what is normal.
Experiencing the miracles of the universe and showing others how the miracles are always there, we just need to notice them.
Wanting, is a term that I prefer to delete, I do not WANT anything, rather I just have to choose from the catalogue of the universe. I am the universe and I just have to choose from the variety of options available.
Money or the financial aspect just flows through various means and I do not have to work hard or do things I do not like. Life is much easier after you reach you place of perfect peace.
There is no outside place that will give you perfect peace, of course, there are places that give you the state of perfect peace, but to truly achieve that place of perfect peace, you have to be in the state of perfect peace within your mind such that you can be at peace even in the most chaotic place with a huge crowd.
Life is a game that we have chosen to play, it is just that with conditioning that we receive from our society and parents is what we have to unlearn.
Move on, on the inside and you will move on, on the outside.
Life is fair to each one, Universe gives you all that you ask for, we just have to be clear and focussed on what we want.
The Clear intention for my life is peace and love.
Reach the place of perfect peace.
Tell others to look for their place of perfect peace.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Take Action


Taking action is the very thing that each and everyone dreads. Why is it so difficult to take any action? The reasons, rather the excuses we give to ourselves are not important. What are the frequent reasons we give? “I am not good enough”, I do not know much about the issue”, “What will others say”, “This is not conventional or normal in my culture” and many such ridiculous and baseless fears.

Here are the seven steps that will actually help you take action in life.

First things first: The first thing is to get over the above mentioned ridiculous reasons or the fears we house in our hearts and mind. When we say “I am not good” or “I do not know about it” we can look further to know about the topic and improve ourselves. Many people embark on this journey, only to find themselves lost in the sea or information that is available to us in this age of the internet. Why do we get stuck there? Because we are scared, we fear. We have to learn to let go of the fear. No matter how much you read about swimming or cycling, you will never learn it unless you get into the water or ride that bicycle. So the first thing is to take your fears (your biggest obstacle) out of the way. There is no reason for you to worry about how good you are, every expert was an amateur at first. There is somewhere you have to start.

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Secondly, if your fear is still holding you back, the second thing that will motivate you is how you reach out to others and extend help. There is no other feeling greater than the satisfaction which you get when you are able to help someone. You should always find a reason to help and see your satisfaction and inner peace rise exponentially. You have to think, if I take this step, someone will get help, someone’s life can take a turn, and someone’s world will change for good. Isn’t this a good enough reason to make you take action?

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Thirdly, clarify your aim. Once you are motivated to help others you motive of life will be clear. You can take time for introspection and look at what is the best thing you have that can be helpful to the world. Make sure to make time for clarifying your life calling. Meditate, spend time on the issue and think about it. Each human has something different and you are here to do what only you can do. If your service and need could be replaced, you wouldn’t be on this planet.

Image result for focusThe fourth step after having a clear motive is to focus on what you are doing. Do not drift away from the aim. Keep on track and make sure you have streamlined your target. You would say, you want to sell fish, but then you start selling vegetables alongside and then open up a shoe stall, won't make you the perfect fish seller. Be focused.
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I know it is not easy to reach your bigger dreams, but then it isn’t that difficult to visualise what you want. When you are clear about your goal, try to walk backwards in your journey. That is, work your way backwards. Your fish shop is the largest in the city. You opened up a smaller one before, you bought a place in the marketplace, you chose the best marketplace in your city. You got funding for your business, you searched for suppliers and advisors – go on working backwards and reach the present day. While you are working that way, write down the steps. This will tell you the path or the next steps that you need to take. Break them up into smaller and detailed steps. Thus, your action plan is ready in no time.
Once you have a plan or layout ready, it is easier to pick yourself up and achieve one thing daily. Make it a point to achieve at least one of the smaller steps every single day. Each day of your life is important when you are pursuing your life’s calling. This is the very reason why we should focus on achieving at least one thing daily.
Image result for discipline to successDiscipline, as instructed by our elders, parents and school teachers, is a very important virtue in life. If we discipline ourselves and stick to it, there is no way our action plan will not work out. To do all your work, it is only 'discipline' that will keep you going until the end. To accomplish every single thing in your life’s recipe discipline, perseverance and consistency would be the main ingredients.

So go ahead, and take action!!!

Kiran Pandit (Married, mother of a beautiful daughter)
Working as a corporate communications person, loves reading and writing, New Thought Movement interests me a lot and I believe if you want to achieve anything, learn to let go of the past. Take Action, and move on! Rock the World!

Monday, 2 May 2016

The truth sets you free!

Based on two of the Bible verses, one can actually understand the truth mentioned in Mark 11:24 and actually be set free as stated in John 8:32.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free – John 8:32 (KJV), this is one of the most quoted verse of the Bible when it comes to the New Thought Movement, while the top quoted verse is “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Mark 11:24 (KJV)

What is this truth, some call it ‘THE SECRET’ some call it the ‘NEW THOUGHT’ others may call it something else, but what is this truth? Before the truth can set you free, you need to recognise which lie is holding you, hostage. The Truth is not a secret nor is it new. The truth is as the truth should be – open and known for ages to mankind.

The only thing that makes it a secret or that it is used in a new thought is that people have been veiled from the truth by the law-makers and religion creators. The people who declared themselves as the agents of GOD or the ones to set the rules for people to follow have created this veil and placed it between MAN and the TRUTH.

We have been forced to fear “GOD” we have been taught that FEAR is equal to RESPECT. This is a lie, why should we fear our God in order to respect him or to have reverence? There is no rule book that commands the people to FEAR GOD, rather every religious text mentions LOVE as the prime virtue. Love one another, Love God.

Exactly, that is where we are going – LOVE. Love is the truth that will set you free. There is no malice or hidden agenda in Love. Love is pure, unconditional, clear, kind, hopeful. Once a person learns to love – purely and unconditionally he / she is set free. If you love someone or something completely, you overlook the negatives; you surpass the issues and rather accept the person truly as the person is. It is love that keeps us together. It is love that sets us free from all worry and anxiety. It is love that makes us want to love more and be free even more.

Each one knows the saying “If you love someone, set them free” and our mighty GOD – the creator, the universe, the superpower, and the higher self – loves us and wants us to be free. Free to do our will. It is Gods will to let us have our will through love. If everything is done with love – nothing is wrong.

There is no wrong or right, there is only love – the only truth – because if you love you do your best; if you love you remove all negativity if you love it is perfect even with defects. The truth is love.

Love unconditionally and set yourself free from the negativity of the world. Love freely and love will return to you. Love completely and your life will be complete.
The truth is God is in us. As Saint Kabir has said in his poetry

मोको कहां ढूढे रे बन्दे
मैं तो तेरे पास में

ना तीर्थ मे ना मूर्त में
ना एकान्त निवास में
ना मंदिर में ना मस्जिद में
ना काबे कैलास में

मैं तो तेरे पास में बन्दे
मैं तो तेरे पास में

ना मैं जप में ना मैं तप में
ना मैं बरत उपास में
ना मैं किर्या कर्म में रहता
नहिं जोग सन्यास में
नहिं प्राण में नहिं पिंड में
ना ब्रह्याण्ड आकाश में
ना मैं प्रकति प्रवार गुफा में
नहिं स्वांसों की स्वांस में

खोजि होए तुरत मिल जाउं
इक पल की तालाश में
कहत कबीर सुनो भई साधो
मैं तो हूँ विश्वास में
English Translation by Rabindranath Tagore

O servant, where dost thou seek Me?
Lo! I am beside thee.

I am neither in temple nor in mosque:
I am neither in Kaaba nor in Kailash:
Neither am I in rites and ceremonies,
nor in Yoga and renunciation.
If thou art a true seeker,
thou shalt at once see Me:
thou shalt meet Me in a moment of time.
Kabîr says, "O Sadhu! God is the breath of all breath."

The truth the God the Love that we all are seeking is not without; rather it is within us, within our heart, within our soul, within out very existence. We all need to know this truth and we all are free to exercise love – to live – to be what we want to be in love.

The truth that will set man free is to love unconditionally – realise that the world was made in love and we all are created in love – in love there is no limitation in love. There is only abundant love and abundant supply in love. Love abundantly and live abundantly.

This truth will set you free!!!