Based on two of the Bible verses, one can actually understand the truth mentioned in Mark 11:24 and actually be set free as stated in John 8:32.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free – John 8:32 (KJV), this is one of the most quoted verse of the Bible when it comes to the New Thought Movement, while the top quoted verse is “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Mark 11:24 (KJV)
What is this truth, some call it ‘THE SECRET’ some call it the ‘NEW THOUGHT’ others may call it something else, but what is this truth? Before the truth can set you free, you need to recognise which lie is holding you, hostage. The Truth is not a secret nor is it new. The truth is as the truth should be – open and known for ages to mankind.
The only thing that makes it a secret or that it is used in a new thought is that people have been veiled from the truth by the law-makers and religion creators. The people who declared themselves as the agents of GOD or the ones to set the rules for people to follow have created this veil and placed it between MAN and the TRUTH.
The only thing that makes it a secret or that it is used in a new thought is that people have been veiled from the truth by the law-makers and religion creators. The people who declared themselves as the agents of GOD or the ones to set the rules for people to follow have created this veil and placed it between MAN and the TRUTH.
We have been forced to fear “GOD” we have been taught that FEAR is equal to RESPECT. This is a lie, why should we fear our God in order to respect him or to have reverence? There is no rule book that commands the people to FEAR GOD, rather every religious text mentions LOVE as the prime virtue. Love one another, Love God.
Exactly, that is where we are going – LOVE. Love is the truth that will set you free. There is no malice or hidden agenda in Love. Love is pure, unconditional, clear, kind, hopeful. Once a person learns to love – purely and unconditionally he / she is set free. If you love someone or something completely, you overlook the negatives; you surpass the issues and rather accept the person truly as the person is. It is love that keeps us together. It is love that sets us free from all worry and anxiety. It is love that makes us want to love more and be free even more.
Each one knows the saying “If you love someone, set them free” and our mighty GOD – the creator, the universe, the superpower, and the higher self – loves us and wants us to be free. Free to do our will. It is Gods will to let us have our will through love. If everything is done with love – nothing is wrong.
There is no wrong or right, there is only love – the only truth – because if you love you do your best; if you love you remove all negativity if you love it is perfect even with defects. The truth is love.
Love unconditionally and set yourself free from the negativity of the world. Love freely and love will return to you. Love completely and your life will be complete.
The truth is God is in us. As Saint Kabir has said in his poetry
मोको कहां ढूढे रे बन्दे
मैं तो तेरे पास में
ना तीर्थ मे ना मूर्त में
ना एकान्त निवास में
ना मंदिर में ना मस्जिद में
ना काबे कैलास में
मैं तो तेरे पास में बन्दे
मैं तो तेरे पास में
ना मैं जप में ना मैं तप में
ना मैं बरत उपास में
ना मैं किर्या कर्म में रहता
नहिं जोग सन्यास में
नहिं प्राण में नहिं पिंड में
ना ब्रह्याण्ड आकाश में
ना मैं प्रकति प्रवार गुफा में
नहिं स्वांसों की स्वांस में
खोजि होए तुरत मिल जाउं
इक पल की तालाश में
कहत कबीर सुनो भई साधो
मैं तो हूँ विश्वास में
English Translation by Rabindranath Tagore
O servant, where dost thou seek Me?
O servant, where dost thou seek Me?
Lo! I am beside thee.
I am neither in temple nor in mosque:
I am neither in Kaaba nor in Kailash:
Neither am I in rites and ceremonies,
nor in Yoga and renunciation.
If thou art a true seeker,
thou shalt at once see Me:
thou shalt meet Me in a moment of time.
Kabîr says, "O Sadhu! God is the breath of all breath."
The truth the God the Love that we all are seeking is not without; rather it is within us, within our heart, within our soul, within out very existence. We all need to know this truth and we all are free to exercise love – to live – to be what we want to be in love.
The truth that will set man free is to love unconditionally – realise that the world was made in love and we all are created in love – in love there is no limitation in love. There is only abundant love and abundant supply in love. Love abundantly and live abundantly.
The truth that will set man free is to love unconditionally – realise that the world was made in love and we all are created in love – in love there is no limitation in love. There is only abundant love and abundant supply in love. Love abundantly and live abundantly.
This truth will set you free!!!
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