Sunday, 17 July 2016

Take Action


Taking action is the very thing that each and everyone dreads. Why is it so difficult to take any action? The reasons, rather the excuses we give to ourselves are not important. What are the frequent reasons we give? “I am not good enough”, I do not know much about the issue”, “What will others say”, “This is not conventional or normal in my culture” and many such ridiculous and baseless fears.

Here are the seven steps that will actually help you take action in life.

First things first: The first thing is to get over the above mentioned ridiculous reasons or the fears we house in our hearts and mind. When we say “I am not good” or “I do not know about it” we can look further to know about the topic and improve ourselves. Many people embark on this journey, only to find themselves lost in the sea or information that is available to us in this age of the internet. Why do we get stuck there? Because we are scared, we fear. We have to learn to let go of the fear. No matter how much you read about swimming or cycling, you will never learn it unless you get into the water or ride that bicycle. So the first thing is to take your fears (your biggest obstacle) out of the way. There is no reason for you to worry about how good you are, every expert was an amateur at first. There is somewhere you have to start.

Image result for help others
Secondly, if your fear is still holding you back, the second thing that will motivate you is how you reach out to others and extend help. There is no other feeling greater than the satisfaction which you get when you are able to help someone. You should always find a reason to help and see your satisfaction and inner peace rise exponentially. You have to think, if I take this step, someone will get help, someone’s life can take a turn, and someone’s world will change for good. Isn’t this a good enough reason to make you take action?

Image result for have a clear aim

Thirdly, clarify your aim. Once you are motivated to help others you motive of life will be clear. You can take time for introspection and look at what is the best thing you have that can be helpful to the world. Make sure to make time for clarifying your life calling. Meditate, spend time on the issue and think about it. Each human has something different and you are here to do what only you can do. If your service and need could be replaced, you wouldn’t be on this planet.

Image result for focusThe fourth step after having a clear motive is to focus on what you are doing. Do not drift away from the aim. Keep on track and make sure you have streamlined your target. You would say, you want to sell fish, but then you start selling vegetables alongside and then open up a shoe stall, won't make you the perfect fish seller. Be focused.
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I know it is not easy to reach your bigger dreams, but then it isn’t that difficult to visualise what you want. When you are clear about your goal, try to walk backwards in your journey. That is, work your way backwards. Your fish shop is the largest in the city. You opened up a smaller one before, you bought a place in the marketplace, you chose the best marketplace in your city. You got funding for your business, you searched for suppliers and advisors – go on working backwards and reach the present day. While you are working that way, write down the steps. This will tell you the path or the next steps that you need to take. Break them up into smaller and detailed steps. Thus, your action plan is ready in no time.
Once you have a plan or layout ready, it is easier to pick yourself up and achieve one thing daily. Make it a point to achieve at least one of the smaller steps every single day. Each day of your life is important when you are pursuing your life’s calling. This is the very reason why we should focus on achieving at least one thing daily.
Image result for discipline to successDiscipline, as instructed by our elders, parents and school teachers, is a very important virtue in life. If we discipline ourselves and stick to it, there is no way our action plan will not work out. To do all your work, it is only 'discipline' that will keep you going until the end. To accomplish every single thing in your life’s recipe discipline, perseverance and consistency would be the main ingredients.

So go ahead, and take action!!!

Kiran Pandit (Married, mother of a beautiful daughter)
Working as a corporate communications person, loves reading and writing, New Thought Movement interests me a lot and I believe if you want to achieve anything, learn to let go of the past. Take Action, and move on! Rock the World!

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